Wooden monuments
Last will from the cross
Inside the church, on the chancel wall a historical group of statues was put. Dated to 18th century it shows a moving scene of the lament over the crucified Christ. Usually these depictions were put on the so called rood beam between a nave and a chancel. In contrast, in Złoczew the group has crossed this line and moved towards the sacrum space usually restricted to a main altar and the place for clergy.

- The hip band and the crown of thorns are gilded; above the head of crucified Christ there is a sign: ‘INRI’: Jezus of Nazareth, Jewish King.
- St. John the Apostle and Evangelist (the only one from the group of disciples who remained by the cross).
- Rococo-style consoles, i.e. decorative cantilevers, which were used to put sculptures at the wall background. The figures shown here, St. Mary and St. John are symbolic heirs of Christ. Before He died, He expressed His will: “When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, ‘Woman, here is your son,’ and to the disciple, ‘Here is your mother.’ From that time on, this disciple took her into his home.” (J, 19,26-28).
In the main quarter of the side altar there is a figure of St. Florian, a Roman soldier in silvered armour, who is holding attributes – a banner and a water container. Since the 16th century when the church with St. Florian’s relics in Cracow was saved from fire, he has become the patron saint during natural catastrophies, especially fires. He also aids people whose occupation is connected with fire: firemen, ironmasters, chimney sweepers.
He has under his care especially wooden tabernacles, therefore, in many “flammable” churches one can encounter the saint’s image (see the polychromy of the vault in Węglewice).
- The Eye of Providence (the symbol of Holy Trinity) accompanied by angels.
- St. Isidore the Laborer, in the foreground a figure of an angel who is ploughing by the means of oxen.
- St. Florian, the patron saint of firemen, is holding a banner in his left hand, and a pail (wooden bucket) in his right, from which water is pouring on the church’s model. The legend has it that St. Florian once saved a buring village by pouring it with just… one bucket of water.

30 listopada (św. Andrzeja Apostoła) oraz 16 lipca (Matki Boskiej Szkaplerznej)