Church of All Saints in Lisków
The baptismal font from the church of All Saints in Lisków was built in a neogothic style from pine wood, polychromed, and the woodcarving and figures were made from linden wood with gilded elements. The painting of the Christ baptism in the Jordan river was made in oil technique on tin base.

Wood structure of the baptismal font was in good condition in general, with few signs of xylophages. Damages had mostly mechanical character, they were probably made during and as an effect of previous repairs and conservation. Decorative elements were then damaged, elements cracked and slid. Layers of polychromy were repainted twice with oil paints. Decorative elements were covered with schlagmetal. The painting of Christ’s baptism in the Jordan had small losses of the paint layer, it had darkened and was dirty, no signs of corrosion of the tin base were spotted. On the surface, mostly across the sky background, regular cracks of the paint layer were seen.
The main aim of renovation was a full technical and aesthetic conservation of the object.
After the elements were disassembled and transported to the workshop, primary cleaning was done (cleaning of the reverse). When the layers were identified and tests aimed to find the best way of their removal conducted, cleaning methods were selected. Polychromed parts were mechanically cleaned with scalpels and properly shaped putty knives, the method was selected on the grounds of the repainting’s brittleness and in order to avoid damage of the original layers due to application of chemical method. Woodcarved elements were cleaned chemically and mechanically with nylon brushes and wooden spatulas after the layers were softened.

When the original polychromy was uncovered, sterilization was completed and weakened parts were strengthened with impregnation. Carpentry works were done – adhesion, stabilization of panels, removal of rusty nails. When the repairs were completed, numerous losses of the primer layer were filled and polished to achieve a desired texture. Next, polychromy underwent a retouch by unification of losses in terms of colours and completing glaze unifying the whole.
Woodcarved elements were cleaned to the layer of primary gilding. Fillings were made in epoxy. Gilding with gloss finish was made with the preservation of original primers. Most matt surfaces were cleaned and retouched so that a uniform appearance of the whole surface was achieved.
The painting “The Baptism of Christ in the Jordan River” was dismounted from its panel. Then it was cleaned from darkened varnish. Substantial losses of the painting layer were stippled, small capillary contractile cracks of the paint were left.

After renovation, the baptismal font was reassembled in the church. Photographic and descriptive documentation was made.